Pension 2nd level

Keep it up!

Keep it up!

Choose the most suitable Luminor 2nd pension pillar plan and start saving in the 3rd pension pillar

Home is a place where you can unleash your true self!

Home is a place where you can unleash your true self!

Home is a place where you can unleash your true self!

  • Fill in the mortgage loan application and we will contact you within one working day
Become our customer

Become our customer

Become our customer

  • Enjoy the benefits of the Black card for the first 2 months for free
  • Take your finances to the next level
Luminor never calls or sends e-mails or SMS asking for detailed personal data – your full ID-number, e-mail, home address, internet bank ID; card No., expiry date, CVV/CVC code; Smart-ID PIN or SMS codes. Our internet bank address is, website – Confirm an action with Smart-ID (code calculator) only if you initiate it yourself! If you notice anything suspicious while banking, stop and call +371 67 17 1880.
Luminor Black

Diverse options
with Luminor Black

Diverse options
with Luminor Black

  • Unlimited euro transfers, accounts, card, travel and purchase insurance
Remember! We offer services at our customer service centers by prior appointment. You can apply for a consultation and find out the availability of the service in person or receive a remote consultation by calling the Luminor Customer Service Centre +371 67 17 1880
In view of situation with Ukraine.  We will be offering employment for people displaced by the invasion of Ukraine. Bank account opening to Ukrainians is free of charge in all Baltic states. Payments to Ukrainian banks are also free ►
In view of situation with Ukraine, find answers to frequently asked questions here ►

Opening account for Ukrainian citizens

Become a customer and enjoy all benefits